Mission: The Fair Oaks Women's ministry is committed to providing Bible studies, fellowship events, and service opportunities for women to live out their faith in a Christ-centered community so they may grow in unity in Christ and bring glory to God.
Tuesdays January 14 - February 18, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
in Room 302
Studying "Romans"
Thursdays January 16 - May 15, 10:00am - 12:00pm
in the Small Fellowship Hall
Studying "Hebrews"
Click HERE for a short overview on the Book of Hebrews
Join us in getting to know amazing ladies throughout the year! "Four Future Friends" is a wonderful four-month commitment where four ladies meet once a month. Each month, one of the ladies will host the gathering, deciding the date, time, and location. It's an easy-going way to enjoy fellowship and build lasting connections. To register, please email women@fbcfo.com or contact Millie Geyer.
Click HERE to sign-up TODAY!
Women@fbcfo.com @womenfairoaks @womenoffairoaks